Seattle Health Information Management Association
We are a dedicated group of volunteers working to ensure that the Seattle HIM community has access to a network of professionals, engaging workshops and scholarships.
Become a 2024 SHIMA Member
Contact Us
Letter From The President
Why Join SHIMA?
Inexpensive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to maintain your professional certification
Low membership fees
Professional and personal development
Stay up-to-date on information management and informatics
Who Should Join SHIMA?
Current and future professionals interested in the intersection between people, data and technology
Professionals working formally or informally in a Health Information Management (HIM) or healthcare informatics role
What Does SHIMA Do?
Provides Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships for Health Information Management and Informatics students
Hosts workshops, panel discussions, and speakers
Creates networking opportunities
Provides professional exam fee reimbursement for the AHIMA credentials.